The Gobi Desert is home to a variety of plants, including the saxaul tree, which is the most common tree in the desert. The plants in the Gobi have to adapt to the harsh conditions in order to survive, and as a result, they have deep roots that help them to access water underground.

They also have small leaves that help to reduce evaporation, and many of them are green or gray in color to blend in with their surroundings. Despite the difficult conditions, the plants in the Gobi play an important role in stabilizing the sand dunes and providing food and shelter for animals.

Bridlegrass & Needlegrass

Needlegrass is a type of grass that grows in the Gobi desert. It is an important food source for Bactrian camels, and it has deep roots that help it to access water underground. Needlegrass is also gray in color, which helps it to blend in with its surroundings.


Mongolian Chives, Onion

Mongolian Chives are a type of plant that is common in the Gobi desert. They are used as a spice in many dishes, and they have small, tart fruits that grow in the desert. They are also a good source of Vitamin C.

b wild onion
Wild Onion

Saxaul Tree

The saxaul tree is the most common tree in the Gobi desert. It is a small tree that can tolerate high levels of salt in the soil. The leaves of the saxaul tree are small and green, and the tree is often used to stabilize sand dunes.

Saxaul baum

The saxaul tree provides food and shelter for animals in the desert, and it is an important part of the ecosystem in the Gobi.

Kharmag (Gobi berry)

Kharmag (Gobi Berry) is a small, tart fruit that grows in the Gobi desert. The berries are red or black, and they are eaten fresh or made into jams or juices.


Kharmag is an important source of food for the people and animals who live in the Gobi desert, and it has been used for centuries to treat a variety of medical problems.


Saltwort is a plant that can tolerate high levels of salt in the soil. It is common in the Gobi desert, and can be distinguished by its small, green leaves and pink flowers. Saltwort can grow up to 2 meters tall, and it thrives in areas with salty soil or water.


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