Ger District Ulaanbaatar

The ger districts are located on the hills and mountains surrounding Ulaanbaatar. These areas are home to schools, stores, and hospitals, much like any other community. However, they lack paved roads, and there is seemingly no organization or layout to how the buildings and gers are arranged.

The people living here have often migrated to Ulaanbaatar from the countryside, or they are the children of migrants. Economically, they are not as well-off as those residing closer to the city center.

winter yurt in Mongolia

Key Issues in Ger Districts

1. Air Pollution

One of the major issues in the ger districts is air pollution. Approximately 60% of Ulaanbaatar’s residents live in ger districts, and many rely on coal-burning stoves for heating, especially during the harsh winter months.

ger district Ulaanbaatar

This practice contributes significantly to Ulaanbaatar’s air quality problems, with the city often ranking among the most polluted capitals in the world. During winter, particulate matter (PM2.5) levels can exceed the World Health Organization’s recommended limits by up to 14 times, posing severe health risks to the population.

2. Drinking Water

Access to clean drinking water is another critical challenge in the ger districts. Only about 40% of ger district residents have direct access to piped water. The majority rely on communal water points, which are often located far from their homes.

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This situation not only makes daily life more difficult but also raises health concerns, as the long distances and limited access can lead to the use of unsafe water sources. In some cases, residents may need to travel several kilometers to fetch water, highlighting the urgent need for improved water infrastructure in these areas.

3. Efficient Stoves

The government and various organizations, including the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, have introduced initiatives to provide more efficient stoves to ger district residents.

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These programs focus on distributing stoves that burn fuel more cleanly and efficiently, significantly reducing emissions. For example, the introduction of these stoves has led to a reduction in particulate matter by up to 80%, according to recent studies. By improving fuel efficiency, these initiatives not only help to reduce air pollution but also lower heating costs for families, thereby improving overall living conditions.

4. Infrastructure Development

Paved roads, electricity, and improved housing options are slowly being introduced in ger districts. Apartment complexes and better infrastructure can significantly enhance the quality of life for ger residents.

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5. Education and Community Services

Access to education and other community services remains limited in many ger districts. Many children in these areas face long commutes to the nearest schools, which can impact their attendance and academic performance. According to recent data, only about 30% of ger district children have access to schools within a reasonable distance.

Additionally, community centers that provide essential services, such as healthcare, vocational training, and social support, are scarce. Establishing more schools and community centers within ger districts is crucial for the development and support of these communities. These facilities not only provide education and services but also act as hubs for community engagement and development, contributing to the overall well-being and growth of ger district residents.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are ger districts?

Ger districts are areas in Ulaanbaatar where traditional Mongolian gers (yurts) are the primary form of housing. These districts are home to many former herders who have migrated to the city.

How do ger districts impact Ulaanbaatar’s air quality?

The widespread use of coal-burning stoves in ger districts significantly contributes to air pollution in Ulaanbaatar, especially during winter.

What efforts are being made to improve living conditions in ger districts?

Various projects by the government and international organizations focus on providing more efficient stoves, improving infrastructure, and developing housing to enhance living conditions in ger districts.

How do residents get drinking water in ger districts?

Many residents rely on communal water points for drinking water, as direct access to piped water is limited in these areas.

What is being done to reduce pollution from coal-burning stoves?

Initiatives are in place to introduce more efficient stoves and alternative heating methods to reduce pollution and improve air quality.

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